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Как называются широкие макароны

Pappardelle, Tagliatelle, Vermicelli, and various other types of macaroni are popular and beloved pasta dishes that are prepared with different meats and sauces. These pasta varieties originated in different parts of Italy and have unique characteristics that make them stand out. In this article, we will dive into the world of macaroni and discover the different types, their names, and how they are used.

  1. What Are Wide Macaroni Noodles Called
  2. What Are Flat Wide Macaroni Noodles Called
  3. What Are Wide Macaroni Noodles Used for
  4. What Are the Different Types of Macaroni
  5. What Are the Different Varieties of Macaroni
  6. Tips for Cooking Macaroni Perfectly
  7. Conclusion

What Are Wide Macaroni Noodles Called

Pappardelle is a classic, wide egg pasta that hails from Tuscany. Its width is about ¾ inches, and it is typically served with various meat sauces, especially with game meat like rabbit or wild boar. This pasta has a thick, chewy texture that pairs perfectly with rich sauces.

What Are Flat Wide Macaroni Noodles Called

Tagliatelle, which translates to "to cut, to slice," is a wide, flat pasta that is rolled into a nest-like shape. It is the longest-shaped pasta with a width of 3.2 mm. The nest shape of the pasta is convenient for measuring the serving size as one nest equals one portion. This pasta is commonly served with rich meat ragù or cream-based sauces.

What Are Wide Macaroni Noodles Used for

Vermicelli, which means "little worms" in Italian, is a thin, round pasta that is thinner than spaghetti but thicker than capellini. It is typically used in hot dishes but can also be served cold in salads or as a side dish. Another wide macaroni noodle variety is Garganelli, which is made with eggs and used similarly to Vermicelli.

What Are the Different Types of Macaroni

Macaroni comes in a variety of shapes and sizes, including long, short, and shaped variations. Here are some of the most popular types:

  • Bavette: flattened spaghetti
  • Capellini: thin strands of pasta, also called angel hair
  • Vermicelli: thin, round pasta
  • Spaghetti: thin, long strands of pasta
  • Spaghettini: thinner than spaghetti
  • Spaghettoni: thicker than spaghetti
  • Maccheroncini: medium size between bavette and spaghetti
  • Bucatini: thick, hollow spaghetti

What Are the Different Varieties of Macaroni

There are six main categories of macaroni, including long, short, shaped, baked, soup, and stuffed. Capellini is a long, thin pasta that is just one millimeter thick. Vermicelli is a thin pasta that is up to 2 millimeters thick. Spaghetti is the most popular thin pasta, measuring up to 50 cm in length.

Tips for Cooking Macaroni Perfectly

Cooking macaroni is simple, but there are a few tricks to ensure that it turns out perfectly. Always start by cooking the pasta in a pot of salted boiling water, stirring it occasionally to prevent it from sticking together. Check the cooking time on the package instructions, but always taste the pasta for doneness before removing it from the water. Consider al dente, pasta that has a slight bite but is still tender. Once it's cooked to your liking, drain the pasta and toss it with butter or olive oil and freshly grated cheese. Before adding your favorite sauce to the pasta, take a small amount of pasta water and add it to your sauce to help them combine and stick to the pasta.


Macaroni comes in many shapes and sizes, each with its unique name and distinct flavor. From pappardelle to tagliatelle to vermicelli, there is a pasta shape that will work perfectly with any meal. Understanding the different types of macaroni and how to cook them correctly can elevate your culinary skills and impress your guests. So, why not try a new pasta recipe today? Happy Cooking!
